Kol Haneshamah Kol Haneshamah - Family Synagogue
Upcoming Event! Family Synagogue
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Are you looking to be inspired in a warm inclusive inviting atmosphere?

Whatever your Jewish educational background, from beginner to advanced, whether you can read Hebrew or not, these services will be accessible to all, with soaring music and prayers, meaningful commentary and a warm sense of community. You will leave infused with the spirit of the Shabbat and Holidays.


As the High Holidays approach, we all dream of finding a community that offers inspirational services, tradition and a warm inclusive atmosphere. Kol HaNeshamah (Voice of the Soul) has created a new High Holiday experience, focusing on the joy of the holidays with unique and memorable services that leave participants spiritually and intellectually uplifted.

Our Chazzan Mo Kiss is known for blending the melodies of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach and R&B sound with traditional liturgical classics -- with a strong emphasis on congregational singing.

Rabbanit Adena Berkowitz's riveting sermons inspire attendees to think about the spiritual direction of their lives and everyone leaves feeling more connected to their heritage and the meaning of their lives. Rabbi Zev Brenner offers insights into the prayers that help worshippers connect more to the liturgy.

Whether you have no comprehension of Hebrew or have had an intensive Jewish background, Kol HaNeshamah's services are accessible to all, with soaring davening, meaningful commentary, participatory and a warm sense of community. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.

Child care and a separate children service are available.

A Hot Gala Kiddush will follow services on both days of Rosh Hashanah and a Break-fast at the end of Yom Kippur.

"One of the great challenges facing the Jewish community today is how to attract individuals and families to feel more connected to their heritage and community. We hope that by offering these services, many Jews will find a spiritual home for the holidays and we hope will thereby find an entry way to connect with Jewish life and our many institutions." said Rabbanit Adena Berkowitz and Chazzan Mo Kiss. Joining Cantor Mo will be the Kol HaNeshamah Acappella Group.

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Donations are welcome

PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW ADDRESS: 118 West 95th Street.

High Holiday Services will take place in the First Floor Beit Midrash @Ohab Zedek, 118 West 95th Street , Between Amsterdam and Columbus.
Please enter through the first floor side door.

Nosh and Drash Shiur for Women
Tuesday Mornings
ZOOM LINK https://us04web.zoom.us/j/9917515779

Address: Kol Haneshamah 2578 Broadway, Suite 128. New York, NY 10025        Phone: 347-693-6961       Email: Kolnyc@gmail.com      Privacy & Refund Policy

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